Friday, April 27, 2012

The Start of Something New

It's official! We're in business! Yesterday I added three items to our etsy shop. This morning I went to check on it and only saw two items. I seriously searched for a good five minutes and my sanity was even starting to get questioned. Did I even add the third item last night? Was it all some sort of weird dream that just shows how pumped I am about our shop? No. All of a sudden it hit me. Could it be? I looked under the "sold items" tab and saw our first purchase! Sweet girl in NC, we love you. Your purchase will continue to encourage us daily to do what we love...crochet! Here is a picture of the purchase that given us the start of something new:

Monday, April 16, 2012


Crochet {kroh-shey} is a process of creating fabric from yarn, thread, or other material strands using a crochet hook.

Etiquette {et-i-kit} is the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular group.

Where Crocheting and Etiquette overlap, Crochetiquette is created!

Questions? Contact us at:

Coming Soon!

Coming soon!
Questions? Email us at: